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Uplifting and Inspiring Content: 2018 Review – 2019 Focus

How I Met My Husband After 30 Years Of Friendship
December 29, 2018
A New Year Motivational Message
January 2, 2019

Uplifting and Inspiring Content: 2018 Review – 2019 Focus

I can now say we have had an exceptional 2018 together on Uplifting and Inspiring Content, UIC. This won’t have happened without your support, your comments and so on. UIC has gone really far more than I had expected. As we look towards 2019, I will continue to need your support as we walk down hand-in-hand. I will continue to do my best in creating uplifting and inspiring content that will help us make the best out of this life.

Let’s have a recap of what we did and how far we have gone already.

Our humble beginning with Uplifting and Inspiring Content

This blog started on April 14, 2018 when we exercised our way in with 5 best aerobic exercises to aid us in our weight loss journey. Weight loss falls under this list of 10 Most Common New Year’s Resolutions which comes in handy with how you can achieve them. Don’t forget our platform started way earlier in 2017 on social media. However, you can’t talk weight loss without improving your physical fitness.

Smiles heal the giver as well as the receiver

We saw the power in a smile and meditation. If you have not been using your smile more often or even experienced the power of a smile, then it is high time you start thinking of meditating about it – if you doubt me, then clear your doubts by reading these benefits of meditation that you may need to know.

Stay positive always – you don’t know what is ahead

If you don’t know what life can bring to you at any moment, then you were surely not surprised of the choice of Prince Harry in 2018’s wedding of the year as he tied the knots with Meghan Markle. Love is not the only reason to tie the knots – don’t over think because it’s true. What you need to do is to always stay positive – just what Nayella did to stay positive with her kids in her most distressed moments.

Oprah Winfrey quotes, family, love, relationship

We got some uplifting and inspiring content from Oprah Winfrey as we shared some of her quotes on this platform. Some of us here are mums and so I didn’t leave us out. We all know what it means to be a parent with kids especially those under 10. That’s why I came up with what parents with kids under 10 need to do with toys. It’s not only about the success in bringing up children that we should forget about us as parents. What about our love life? Has it been successful this 2018? If no, then these 9 easy ways to a successful relationship is still valid.

De-stressing sessions

The year just can’t go smoothly without us having some stressful moments. At times we feel as if we are stuck and need to start again from zero. In such times, we have the feeling there is nothing to be happy about in this life. If you think so, then the story of Trisha – How gratitude opened doors for her will likely change your mind.

Don’t get overwhelmed with negative energy

At times we are overwhelmed with negative energy to the extent that we don’t do the things we plan to do or better still, push them ahead. This is not a big deal because we all saw how we could raise our energy when we are feeling overwhelmed. With the needed energy, you will be able to fight procrastination. Don’t allow procrastination take control of you for it will steal away your dreams.

Don’t worry, be happy!

Happiness can be felt only from within because if you have to look at the pains from outside, you will not be able to live a fulfilling life. That is just what our guest on UIC this 2018, Arrey Echi feels. She told us how she turned her pains into purpose in other to do what she is doing happily. Her actions are not very different from one of my greatest beliefsto live a fulfilling life, you need to believe in what you do.

December festivals

Then December came rushing with it’s numerous festivals. It is also a month where people try to assess their entire year, thinking of how to share their happiness, have Christmas fun activities with kids and making sure they get the best recipes on their table.

What you did and what you didn’t do

As we assess our year, we take stock of where we succeeded or failed. We look at those who succeeded so that we can know what they have been doing to be successful that we have not done. Setting daily goals and how to achieve them is one of the path achievers take that most of us don’t take. For us to achieve success, we need to stay committed in whatever we are doing or plan to do.

Are you ready to achieve success this coming 2019?

Then just believe in yourself more and stay tuned to our blog. Thanks for supporting us in 2018 while we look forward to do better in 2019. We will always be sharing our uplifting and inspiring content with you. Don’t forget sharing is caring! Do share with others what UIC shares with you. See you next year 🙂

Happy New Year!

Yvette Mayemelle Kaba
Yvette Mayemelle Kaba
Founder of UIC | Wife | Mum of Two | Inspirational Writer | Mentor | Aspiring Entrepreneur

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